Md.Mustakim Ahmed 🧙‍
Jasbir Singh
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The customer dashboard

The customer dashboard


  1. What is a customer dashboard?
  2. How to create a customer dashboard?
  3. Two examples of customer dashboards:
    1. Measuring customer satisfaction
    2. Measuring the sales of a company


What is a customer dashboard?

A customer dashboard is a tool to monitor and measure the performance of a company. Those that concern its customers.

It can include data on sales, customer retention, customer satisfaction, and other customer key performance indicators (KPIS).

The client dashboard is typically used to:

In order to take action and remedy any problems.


How to create a customer dashboard?

Here are the steps to follow to create a customer dashboard:

  1. Define your goals before creating your dashboard. It is important to determine what you want to include and why. What key performance indicators (KPIs) will you use to measure them?
  2. Collect the data once you have defined your goals and KPIs. This can include data on sales, customer satisfaction and other key performance indicators.
  3. Create your dashboard. Add the KPIs you have defined and display the collected data in a clear and easily readable way.
  4. Analyze the data and look for trends or opportunities for improvement.
  5. Implement actions based on what you’ve learned or what you think you’ll learn.


Two examples of customer dashboards:

How to measure customer satisfaction?

There are several ways to measure customer satisfaction. Here are some examples ofkey performance indicators that can be included in a customer dashboard:

  1. Overall satisfaction rate. It measures the percentage of customers who are satisfied with their business interactions with the company. You can measure them with
    satisfaction surveys



  2. The loyalty rate. It measures the percentage of customers who continue to buy from the company over a given period of time.
  3. Complaint resolution time. It represents the time it takes to resolve customer complaints. The shorter the resolution time, the more satisfied customers are.
  4. Product return rate. A low return rate indicates that customers are satisfied with their purchases.
  5. Recommendation rate. It measures the percentage of customers who would recommend the company to their friends and family.


How to measure the sales of a company?

Here is a list of KPIs that can be used to measure a company’s sales usinga customer dashboard :

  1. The turnover.
    The turnover measures the total amount of sales made by the company over a given period.
  2. Sales growth rate.
    This KPI measures the growth of a company’s sales compared to a reference period (for example, the previous quarter or the previous year).
  3. Conversion rate. The conversion rate measures, for example, the percentage of website visitors who make a purchase.
  4. The number of new customers.
    It measures the number of customers who have purchased from the company for the first time in a given period.
  5. The average basket. The average basket represents the average amount of orders placed by customers.
  6. DSO. It measures the average time to pay the customer.


It is important to choose the KPIs that best reflect your company’s sales goals and track them on a regular basis in order to monitor your company’s performance and determine what actions to take to improve sales.

What if you chose Aston AI for your customer dashboard?

With this collection software, you benefit from powerful reports. As well as a 360° vision of your customer base:

  • Scoring and cash flow forecast.
  • A multi-subsidiary/country/BU/Sales consolidation…
  • A customer vision, from the synthesis to the invoice in three clicks.
  • A customized Vision by use corresponding to your organization chart.