Md.Mustakim Ahmed 🧙‍
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Reduce DSO thanks to automatic dunning software with SALVIA Development

Text transcription Salvia, Françoise Farag


So a year ago we were looking for a solution to make life easier for our collection team and so I gave my finance team the task of finding a suitable solution to meet our objective of reducing the DSO. So we had the choice between several solutions since we did a small comparative market study and our financial management opted for the Aston solution for several reasons.


First of all, it is a solution which is in hosted mode and therefore avoids all the problems linked to the implementation of an IT tool complementary to those we already use.


Secondly, we found the solution to be agile, scalable and easy for our teams to use. It enabled us to reduce our customer collection times. On the one hand, we have a certain number of statistics that were previously very complicated to obtain through the eternal Excel files and, above all, it has allowed us to free up our teams to do value-added work. I think that we are even more satisfied because the Aston team, throughout the deployment, is still following our requests and is very attentive. We have always worked well with them, and we have had all the reactivity we expected. And when you are an SME, this is extremely important.

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