Md.Mustakim Ahmed 🧙‍
Jasbir Singh
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Aston AI white paper – The digital credit manager’s guide

Aston AI has published its white paper, the guide for the augmented digital credit manager.

Aston AI’s white paper is now available for free download.

The credit manager’s guide covers everything from reminding customers of overdue payments to digital credit management for working capital management.


1)Credit Manager: you play a key role, 3 steps to prove it!

2)Grab your senior management’s attention again

3)Credit Manager and Sales Director: renew the dialogue

4)Get in touch with customers and businesses

5)Aston AI’s answer

This e-book contains key figures, feedback and testimonials. It also provides a better understanding of the credit manager’s job, the challenges involved, the actions to be taken, how to get in touch with customers, and much more….


Don’t wait any longer, and download the free Aston AI white paper.