Md.Mustakim Ahmed 🧙‍
Jasbir Singh
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Aston AI at the AFDCC event: “Demystifying artificial intelligence”.

Aston AI had the pleasure of participating and speaking at the artificial intelligence event organized by the AFDCC on Thursday, December 12, 2019.

Event : Demystifying artificial intelligence


Aston AI took part in this event to share its knowledge in this field. Indeed, technological innovation is at the heart of Aston AI’s DNA. Cloud, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are used to automate dunning and collection, analyze performance and customer risk in real time, and support the digital credit manager in his transformation.

This event
brought together AFDCC members (credit managers, CFOs, CFOs, etc.). The aim was to discuss a topical issue that affects many sectors and professions: artificial intelligence.

Many sectors are in the throes of change: biotechs, nanotechnologies and blockchain… However, artificial intelligence is increasingly present in our society today, and is involved in a wide range of business sectors. The issue at stake at this event was whether artificial intelligence is tending to replace humans? the credit manager?

Credit management is a fast-changing profession that is particularly affected by artificial intelligence and big data. The aim of the event was also to demonstrate the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence for the way we act and make decisions.