Md.Mustakim Ahmed 🧙‍
Jasbir Singh
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Optimize your dunning and collection with dynamic portfolios

Optimize your dunning and collection with dynamic portfolios

The solution for rapidly recovering cash from customer invoices awaiting payment is still dunning.

Dynamic relaunching is better!

With a SaaS dunning and collection platform, you can automatically dun your customer invoices, saving time and money in the process.

But to go even faster and be even more efficient in your relaunch, equip yourself with a platform featuring dynamic portfolios.

What is meant by “dynamic portfolios” in a dunning and collection platform?

Dynamic portfolios enable you to create groups of customers to be dunned in real time on the basis of multi-criteria, i.e. to put all customers with the same payment behavior (and late payment behavior) under the same dunning notice.

There are two key advantages to this feature

1. Benefit from a reminder adapted to each customer profile, and therefore set up a relationship consistent with the customer’s behavior: a “soft” reminder for a good payer, a “hard” reminder for the most reluctant.
2. A real-time view of the general state of affairs: for a credit manager, this saves considerable time and offers the flexibility to create short-, medium- and long-term recovery strategies. For example, depending on the time of year or the level of cash flow, these dynamic multi-criteria portfolios are consistent with the company’s cash requirements at any given moment.

Lastly, extradatas can be used as dynamic criteria to create dynamic dunning groups.

You can test the ACC platform, which offers this exclusive feature, free of charge for 1 month without obligation, by clicking here.

For more information, click here to make an appointment with one of our sales representatives.

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