Md.Mustakim Ahmed 🧙‍
Jasbir Singh
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Microsoft appoints ASTON AI Gold Partner

Paris, France

ASTON AI, FinTech specialist in digital credit management and collection platforms, is proud to have its Microsoft Gold Partner certification renewed.

ASTON AI is a Microsoft Gold Partner


The Microsoft Gold Partner certification is the highest certification awarded by Microsoft to its professional partners.

ASTON AI has been awarded again by Microsoft for its competence as a SaaS software provider on the Microsoft Azure Cloud. This distinction rewards all the work and expertise of ASTON AI.

“The cost of late payments in France is estimated at 56 billion € by the ANCR. By capitalizing on new technologies, ASTON AI allows companies to improve their working capital, free up more cash and finance their growth. The Microsoft Cloud allows us to focus on the business and rely on Azure for a secure and agile infrastructure.” says ASTON AI.

Cloud, AI and Big Data technologies applied to credit management and collection bring a major breakthrough in terms of solutions in this field.

For more information about ASTON AI and its services: or on the different social networks: Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

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