Md.Mustakim Ahmed 🧙‍
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Aston AI in the panorama of French fintech 2020

Discover the panorama of French fintech 2020.

France FinTech and BlackFin Tech have published the French fintech panorama for the 4th year running. Nearly 600 innovative companies were listed, mainly in the financial services sector, operating in the banking, insurance, risk & fraud and asset management verticals. Among these companies, Aston AI has been listed as a fintech in the factoring and short-term financing sector.

Aston AI is a SaaS software platform for factoring and invoice financing dedicated to factors, banks and securitization funds. Aston AI also enables companies tooptimize customer debtcollection by automating reminders and reducing overdue receivables.

To discover the panorama of French fintech 2020, click here.


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