Md.Mustakim Ahmed 🧙‍
Jasbir Singh
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Aston AI and Le Nouvel Economiste. Artificial intelligence and big data are at the doorstep of credit management.

Customer risk, credit manager and collection software.

Artificial intelligence and big data are at the doorstep of credit management.

The robots included in the latest collection software already make it possible to transform raw data into a decision-making tool. Credit management must therefore be in step with the times.
Artificial intelligence and big data are now the two mainstays of a technological revolution, the ins and outs of which we still struggle to grasp. Nevertheless, the profession is already starting to place its pawns. The result is the automation of the most time-consuming collection tasks, but also greater anticipation of customer risk.
Credit managers need to build risk prediction models based on Artificial Intelligence capable of exploiting an exponential volume of data. After the automation of processes and the dematerialization of invoicing, credit management had to optimize its digital revolution via AI and big data.
Although we are still in the early days of artificial intelligence, it is clear that the profession has been able to take advantage of all these digital upheavals, starting with the use of Big Data. It is a matter of consolidating in real time both traditional credit data (official sources) and data from the companies themselves (invoices, payments), private sources of partnerships (order books, knowledge of the main customers and suppliers, debt collection, litigation and disputes before the courts) or even data on managers and operational executives often obtained by web crawling methods [logiciel qui explore automatiquement le web]This is the first time that the company has been involved in the development of its property and casualty and financial risk activities,” explains Sylvain Bonté, Director of Business Development for April. Innovative in the field,
ASTON AI, editor of collection software, is the winner of the CMI (Concours Mondial d’Innovation) in Big Data for the optimization of the customer’s account.

Read the full article.

Le Nouvel Economiste. Artificial intelligence and big data are at the doorstep of credit management.

Photo by Starline, Freepik

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