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The augmented credit manager’s guide recommended by Finance innovation

The book of the augmented credit manager is recommended by Finance Innovation, which references it on its website.

From the recovery of unpaid customers to digital credit management

This guide of the credit manager will allow you to benefit from a complete analysis of the credit manager’s job, the actions to be implemented, or how to get in touch with the customer. You will also discover how, from the follow-up of unpaid invoices, the Credit Manager becomes a central actor of the company, a guarantor of the DSO and the optimization of the WCR.

To read the entire Finance Innovation article on the augmented credit manager’s guide, click here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

[button target=”_self” hover_type=”default” text=”Download the credit manager guide” link=”https://astonai.com/livre_blanc_aston_itf/” color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#818181″ hover_background_color=”#eeaa16″]