Md.Mustakim Ahmed 🧙‍
Jasbir Singh
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Aston AI joins the France Fintech association

ASTON AI joins the France Fintech association.

Pro, TPE, PME :
The accounts receivable revolution is underway.
On May 1, 2021, get ready to reduce your payment times with
Aston AI Cash Collection 2021,
the web-based collection platform.

1-month free trial of your collection software
Get ready to cut your payment times by 50% with Aston’s new AI Cash Collection platform. I enjoy it!

Increase your cash flow by 50%.
By automating 80% of your dunning actions to collect your receivables.
Manage your disputes efficiently and improve customer satisfaction.
Analyze and share the status of your accounts receivable with your colleagues in just a few clicks.

Easy-to-use, complete, immediately available, plug & play, anywhere, without installation.

Available for PRO customers from one invoice upwards, as well as VSEs and SMEs, whatever their volume.

No installation or IT costs. From a simple excel file, with or without accounting. Or by automatic extraction from your accounting and ERP software.

Registration and immediate online connection: relaunch from day 1 without delay!