Md.Mustakim Ahmed 🧙‍
Jasbir Singh
Ont laissé un avis

Aston iTrade Finance, Atradius partner with CreditPower.

ASTON iTrade Finance, partner of Atradius Credit Power and specialist in SaaS 2.0 platforms for receivables management, is a winner of the Concours Mondial d’Innovation 2030.


Big Data applied to finance or “fintech” brings a major breakthrough in terms of solutions in this field.

It was against this backdrop that ASTON iTrade Finance won the Big Data category of the Concours Mondial d’Innovation on March 20, 2014, a competition launched by the French government and chaired by Anne Lauvergeon.

ASTON AI was selected from over 600 entries in this international competition. ASTON AI will receive a grant of up to 20M euros over 3 years to accelerate its R&D programs.

ASTON ITrade Finance, a specialist in SaaS 2.0 platforms for the financial management of trade receivables, has been chosen by Atradius to develop Credit Power, the only automated and fully integrated global Cloud solution for the hedging, management and financing of trade receivables.

As a major innovation, Atradius Credit Power guarantees the highest security standards worldwide and provides companies with a concrete response to optimize their coverage, reduce their DSO and facilitate their access to financing:

  • Credit management module, dunning management and activity monitoring,
  • Automated credit insurance contract management module, alerts and notifications
  • Automated financing and exchange module with the company’s financial partners.


With Credit Power, Pay as you use!

For more information

[button icon=”fa-download” target=”_blank” hover_type=”enlarge” text=”Télécharger” link=”/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/CP-Atradius-Avril-2014.pdf”]
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