Md.Mustakim Ahmed 🧙‍
Jasbir Singh
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Outstanding customer accounts

Outstanding customer accounts

Outstanding customer accounts Summary: What is an outstanding receivable? How to calculate an outstanding customer ? How to control the outstanding customer balance?   What is an outstanding…

Late payment

Late payment: how to calculate and invoice it?

Late payment: how to calculate and invoice it? Summary: What is late payment? The definition of late payment: The time limit for payment of an invoice : How…

Optimize your customer reminders

Optimize your customer reminders

Optimize your customer reminders Summary: What is a customer reminder? Best practices for re-contacting a customer: Personalize your messages: Grading the importance of messages: Follow all of its…

Amicable collection

Amicable collection in the professional sector

Amicable collection in the professional sector Summary: What is amicable collection? What are the procedures for amicable collection? What are the advantages of amicable collection?   In the…

appvizer collection

Appvizer Top 5 best collection software : Aston iTF Cash Collection

Are you looking for a debt collection software? Aston iTF and its platform Aston Cash collection is one of the 5 best software available on the market

The customer dashboard

The customer dashboard

The customer dashboard Summary: What is a customer dashboard? How to create a customer dashboard? Two examples of customer dashboards: Measuring customer satisfaction Measuring the sales of a…

Order to Cash

Order to Cash (O2C)

Order to Cash (O2C) Summary: The definition of Order to Cash: Order to Cash steps: Order to Cash optimization:   The definition of Order to Cash: L’Order to…

Collection software: why use one?

Collection software: why use one? To facilitate the life of your company and finally have invoices paid on time. Source : …

ACC: the platform that links you and your customers

ACC: the platform that links you and your customers The Aston Cash Collection platform introduces its latest feature:The Customer Portal ! Offer your customers access to their information…