Md.Mustakim Ahmed 🧙‍
Jasbir Singh
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The basics of good accounts receivable management

Optimizing management or adopting certain reflexes remains a necessity for all entrepreneurs and managers, and this as far upstream as possible. If you’re inclined to think that you’ll…

What are the key features of good collection software?

In the age of new technologies, it’s to a company’s advantage to equip itself with an effective tool for improving customer follow-up. Focused on automating activities, collection…

ASTON AI finalist in the Insurtech of the Year competition

ASTON iT Insurance, the first B-to-B Insurtech platform dedicated to optimizing Credit Insurance for companies and financial institutions, has been selected as one of the finalists in the…

Amaury de la Lance at the “Osez l’Economie de Demain dans le Grand Est” forum

How to optimize payment of customer invoices using dunning collection software A look back at the “Artificial & Collective Intelligence” event and Aston AI at GEN Grand Est…

ASTON AI celebrates its 10th anniversary

The year 2021 has a special flavor for ASTON AI. For the past 10 years, as a leader in Fintech, we have been developing software platforms to optimize receivables using

ASTON AI presents its new software for collection agencies at the SAR Congress on June 17.

ASTON AI presents its new software for collection agencies at the SAR Congress on June 17. The collection software developed by Aston AI allows you to digitalize the processes of collection agencies: automate 80% of the collection reminder tasks. In white label with your name or the names of your customers. Share information with your customers in a collaborative platform.

Aston AI white paper – The digital credit manager’s guide

Aston AI has published its white paper, the guide for the augmented digital credit manager.

The credit manager’s guide white paper recommended by Microsoft

The augmented credit manager book is recommended by Microsoft, which references it in its newsletter.

Collection agencies are booming. ASTON AI launches its software for collection agencies.

Among today’s most dynamic business sectors, collections on behalf of third parties are not going unnoticed. This vitality is not new, but the crisis has probably accentuated it.